Easy Holiday Crafts You Can Do at Home
While the winter months can be a time of family and celebration, they can also be a time where spending the day outdoors is not ideal. Icy temperatures and short days make for a lot of indoor playtimes, and sometimes even the most independent of kids can get a little cabin fever.
Combat the cold and the boredom with some easy crafts that can be done right in your own home, and spend a holiday afternoon staying cozy and busy at the same time. The kids in the house will appreciate the time with you, and the kid in you will love it just as much as they do.
Make an edible snow globe. Snow globes are an undeniably precious part of the season, and they can remind us of a winter wonderland, even if you never see snow. Even better than a snow globe you can gaze at is a snow globe you can eat! All that’s needed to some white chocolate peanut butter cups in different sizes, a little powdered sugar, and some small Christmas candies to create a candy Christmas tree covered in a powdery dust of “snow.” Display it under a domed glass display case to give it the magical snow globe look, and uncover in time for dessert!
Make a picture frame snowman. Using one small, one medium and one large silver picture frame, hot glue the frames together from top to bottom, starting with the smallest. Create a snowman face using construction paper for the smallest top frame, and fill the other two with whatever pictures you would like, or just plain white paper if you want the snowman to just be a snowman. Then wrap a small ribbon scarf around the top of the middle frame for the scarf effect, and you’ll be smiling at your friendly new addition all day long.
Make gift wrap with homemade potato stamps. Using cookie cutters and a white potato, you can create paint stamps to stamp festive designs all over brown or white craft paper for wrapping. Simply cut the potato in half, and press the cookie cutter into the white side. Cut around the design so that a protrusion of potato of about half an inch is left after you remove the cookie cutter. Then dip your new stamp into the paint, and use it to create one of a kind rustic wrapping that will impress everyone on your list.
Make outdoor ornaments that are edible for the birds. All of the creatures in your natural outdoors are celebrating the season as well, so make sure to help them decorate their trees with these edible outdoor ornaments. Using corn syrup, flour, bird seed and unflavored gelatin, mix these ingredients until you have a gooey mess that kids will love to mold. Pour the mixture into cookie cutters for shape, and let them harden overnight. Then simply punch a hole in the top of your new ornament, and hang for all of your feathered friends to enjoy.
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