Making and Displaying Shadow Boxes

Shadow boxes are an excellent way to preserve and display memories. Ideal for heirlooms, shadow boxes help protect memories that don't fit into standard-size picture frames. These three-dimensional frames are perfect for the following:

  • Military medals
  • Family photographs
  • Wedding memories
  • Flags
  • Babies' feet or handprint molds
  • Specimens
  • Souvenirs
  • Jewelry

The items on display in shadowboxes should be safely secured. This may require Velcro, command adhesive strips or pins. After finishing the shadow box display, always place the frame upright to ensure all items are securely fashioned in place.

To display shadow boxes:

  1. Room lighting should be taken into consideration. Shadow boxes have raised edge borders, which prevent light from penetrating. If it's important the shadow boxes' contents are highlighted, consider using a light source that directly faces the shadow box.
  2. Observe room's lighting throughout the day. This will help determine where shadow boxes will be best displayed.
  3. Shadow boxes should be affixed to walls using hooks or nails. They should be placed in a position that faces the light, which allows the contents to be easily viewable. If the shadow box is extremely heavy, consider using more than one hook or nail for added security.
  4. Shadow boxes make attractive displays on shelves or desks. The box should face a light source for maximum exposure.
  5. If the items within the shadow box will not be harmed by additional light, adding display lights to the underside of the box will further help highlight collections.

Interior designers recommend pairing shadow boxes in groups. Groups of two or three shadow boxes with cohesive themes look best paired together. If the contents of the shadow box can become damaged with excessive light exposure, consider placing the shadow box in a location that faces away from windows or light.

Victorian Frame Company offers a variety of display cases, including shadow boxes. Customers can select any picture frame style, color, finish or box shape. This allows for easily display of sporting memorabilia, crystal goblets, musical instruments, clothing, guns, etc. They will also work with customers to create any size or depth of boxes, making it easy to accommodate a variety of collectables. They also offer attractive vintage mirrors, wall mirrors and framed mirrors.

14th Jan 2014

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